Tag Archives: Arqueologia

CAA2012 Attend Online Registration Open!

21 Mar

Hello everyone!

We are just few days away from CAA2012 and I have very good news for those that couldn’t attend for any reason.

Over the course of the CAA 2012, we will be producing a series of eight videos on a variety of topics, including ‘Best of the Day’, ‘The Future of the CAA’, and ‘Is Archaeological Computing Changing?’.

All videos produced will be made available through this page, so please bookmark it if you intend to follow the conference online.

We will also be streaming the plenary session.

A timetable of online video content will be made available here nearer the date of the conference.

Register at CAA2012 attend online! and check all the possibilities that computing applications in Archaeology have for you!

II Congreso de Prehistoria de Andalucía

12 Jan

Dear All,

Here is the programme of the 2nd Prehistory of Andalucía Congress. I’m sure this could be interesting for some of you, so if you are around Spain or want to visit the awesome archaeological site of the Antequera Dolmens, come along!  The meeting is taking place 15, 16 and 17 of February.

Hola a todos,

Aqui esta el programa del 2do Congreso de Prehistoria de Andalucía. Tendra lugar en el impresionante sitio arqueológico de los dolmenes de Antequera del 16 al 17 de Febrero. Espero poder ver a algunos de ustedes por allí.

2nd Prehistory of Andalucia Congress – Programme 


Recursos de SIG y Geomatica para Latinoamerica (GIS & Geomatics for Latin America)

21 Feb

Esta vez les escribo para compartirles un excelente sitio de recursos de Geomatica y SIG Libre que puede ser especialmente util para quienes trabajan en Mexico y otras partes de America. Espero que hayan tenido un buen fin de semana y pronto les platicare sobre cuestiones tecnicas respecto a la combinacion de analisis de visibilidad y movimiento 😀